My parents taught me to do whatever I could to never be a burden to anyone else. Work while in school and have something ready to go at graduation. That was the rule.
We might have been much better off, had not the gall bladder issue arose. As it was, the choice was have a home and food or COBRA. That was easy. You work with a cold or a flu, broken finger or strains and aches. Nothing is supposed to be easy. Those who came before all of us, those settlers and pioneers, now THEY had it tough.
Yes, I suppose, but everything is relative. They didn't have to answer solicitors and robo calls. They weren't expected to be constantly in contact by phone, text, or email. They didn't have to worry about how bad they looked on their selfies. They didn't have to pay for collision and liability insurance for their horses. They didn't have to foot the bill for their children to go to prom - or to college. And, April 15th had no general special meaning for them.. (all sarcasm, of course..).