Our wells are over 8500 ft deep I don’t think a little Jimmy Pole could handle it. The service rigs need to be able to handle over 10,500 ft of 2 7/8 tubing. The ranch (Built in 1905) house is now all electric but I do have a poly line running cleaned casing head gas to a generator for emergency back up. Everything from the well goes to the battery where it’s separated. First it goes through a separator where the gas is removed from the fluid and then the fluid goes through a heater treater which separates the water from the oil. The oil goes into 500 barrel steel tanks and the water into 500 barrel fiberglass tanks. When either gets a load (175 to 180 barrels) a truck will pickup. The water is taken to a disposal well and the oil is taken to a holding area where it’s pumped into a pipeline headed to the refinery. The gas goes directly into a pipeline that crosses the ranch.
On a train going home hard to text..thank you for reply..couple days got a few more question ...worked for a very large oil company