“We do not have a movement, competent leaders, nor an advantage in numbers to do anything about an eventual gun-grab.”
My question stands: What makes you think that a bunch of fat, doughnut-munching, low IQ slobs in the federal bureaucracy can carry out gun confiscation?
When was the last time you visited a federal bureaucracy and watched these jellyfish at “work?”
I don't give a crap about doughnut eating cops. The one right next to me is an Army reserve Captain, liberal as all get out, jacked like a NFL corner back, and he'll be more than happy to take your guns away.
Your problem is the mettle of men in this country is passing away with no replacement. You don't read history and what causes nations to fall. You stay in your circle and think everyone is like you, and everything is OK. It's not.
People are being thrown out of schools because of a pop-tart that looks like a gun, people have last their reasoning skills, and you think militia will save us from tyrannical government?
I've been in the militia circles in three different states. Missouri, Virginia, and North Carolina. They are too busy with meth and sitting on their fat a$$s. Everyone's comfortable and no one will rise up with any reasonable numbers.
They would have already. So go back to sleep.
“What makes you think that a bunch of fat, doughnut-munching, low IQ slobs -————————”
The cops I know run marathons———and I assume you also do because of your attitude.