Good stuff.
We need less Bill Nye (for example), and more people like Zimmerman. At least he knows what he’s talking ‘bout.
I have limited time; I go to his site for the science and the politics. (We had an ice-storm yesterday in Michigan and everything is slowed to a crawl today, o/w I’d have zero time to respond to accusations.)
I don’t speak for the guy,(I am not him, his wife or related to him in any way) but I like his mix of free-market solutions, classical-liberal politics, and specifically their application to “Space and Science.”
He writes a Blog, is a published author, appears twice a week on John Batchelor Show on WABC NY, and the only time he benefits from traffic from Free Republic, is if people buy his books or donate to him. He has no advertising at his Site and the 1/2 dozen videos on YouTube of his works, aren’t monetized to him. In his spare time, he goes Caving & Hiking. (I think he has a Master’s in Colonial American History as well, and prior to earning that degree, he worked on B horror movies in the NY area, (1970’s)). His IMDB page is outdated but illuminating. Now he hangs out in Arizona, writes his blog, and really doesn’t need me to shill for his site.)
—I used to be a FOX news Junkie,(gave that up entirely after the Election, endless minutia) but... have been a Movement Conservative ‘forever,’ (w/a heavy libertarian bent)worked on Reagans 76’, 80’, and 84’ campaigns and heavily involved in Convention of States currently. (my day job involves privately delivered mental health & vocational training. I turned “clients” into productive tax-paying, job-holding, self-confident & independent citizens, and I’m quite successful at it, especially now.)
Mainly, I just want to get through 2018, retire,collect my SSA and hang out with my grand-daughter as I regrettably watch the Country I grew up in, turned into Ameritopia.
‘nuff said.