Make them pay thier own way for everything. That will adjust thier attitudes, real fast and a hurry like.
Nothing scares millennials and probably their snowflake parents more than the free market. Being a Soros-paid community organizer, like the Hoggman, or any other common public parasite with a guaranteed taxpayer-supplied income, is much, much easier than being held to the the demands of liberty. Nothing demands more from us, or is more daunting, than the challenges of liberty-—self-responsibility with no one coming to your rescue.
These young sock-puppets sucking up to their marxist paymasters have no marketable skills in the private sector. That’s why they loathe the free market, and the values and virtues that make people successful. No one in the private sector is going to pay people like the Hoggman six figures to raise his fist and scream profanities to millions of gullible, clueless people like himself.
We have the public schools largely to blame for this. Students are taught from day one that success in the business world is criminal, and that hard work and rational thinking is for fools.