People that believe the Q nonsense are exibiting the same type of magical thinking that the fringe left does when they insist some vast Trump-Russia plot is about to be revealed.
Delusional thinking.
Q is most likely Jerome Corsi and friends, and the Q followers have been duped.
The secret Trump-Russia collusion plot is false, and its followers have also been duped, by a group of Hillary friends.
But the True Believers of both these crazy plotlines will keep believing anyway, in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It’s become a religion, for both groups.
And both rely on Sessions staying where he is, doing nothing, for them to hold out hope.
I follow the Q discussion on another site that allows both pros and cons to post. The leader of the pro-Q side left the discussion, lock, stock and barrel *immediately* after Podesta appeared on a Sunday morning show. Q’s, ‘Where’s Podesta?’ question got answered, and the Q-ringleader vamoosed.
This particular group hadn’t been pushing the secret arrest/ankle monitor of Hillary as hard as some, so her current globe trotting didn’t undercut them as significantly.