My wife and I took on the SPLC after 9-11 when they introduced the Teaching Tolerance program in our local schools. This series was supposedly to prevent violent backlash against Muslim students after the event. Ironically none occurred although Boston Marathon, Ft. Hood, Orlando, San Bernardino and on and on have. We researched Teaching Tolerance and found it to be multi cultural drivel which expounded on the themes of white privileged and white racism. We protested and were told to go pound sand. We investigated and found that the SPLC instructor left alone with the students in the class room had no DOJ background check as required by California law. We checked and found out he had an arrest record for attacking a fellow female worker at a restaurant. Program was shut down, our home address given to students so they could mail us unfaltering comments, our children harassed to a minor amount. Would we do it again. Damn strait!
Kudos to you for standing strong. I hope your kids came out ok from the event.