They’re not so much naive as deliberately economically blind. They have a worldview that is based in fantasy and they don’t let facts or logic get in the way of maintaining that delusional worldview. It’s part of the democrat DNA that raising taxes is a good thing. Cutting spending is a bad thing. Elected officials an bureaucrats know better than anyone else what’s best for the country. Guns are bad. Gun control is good. All white people have a special advantage over black people (there may be some truth in this if you consider a work ethic a special advantage) etc.
And they will not let facts, logic or reason pry them off of their core delusional beliefs. And better still their voters share these delusions. A lot easier to blame whitey for your lack of money than blame yourself even though you dropped out of school st 14 to have your first dependent chile. Spend most of your waking hours high or drunk spend every penny you get on immediate gratification. Etc.
You nailed it on the head. And, just to add, anyone who thinks differently and opposes them is racist.