There’s more: How about a $2k gift at birth? $1k Health Savings Account and $1k Roth IRA put in the S&P500? Absolutely no access to the Roth until age 59. Make them watch it grow. Parents can monitor both and teach investment with minimum involvement. A REAL Great Society.
As people get older they realize the true value/meaning of family. You are nothing without one. That means go out and work your ass off to support yours. Women know this more than men. One had no problem letting her husband stray as long as they had that extra child. Children’s birthday parties were most fun for the single women present. So men do your duty. If you are married to a ‘career woman’ It’s your job to put a stop to that shit.
The problem is we incentivize the poorest and dumbest in our society to have as many children as possible. It’s reason why illegal immigrants from the third world and muslims can squirt out six kids per family so comfortably.
we need to encourage smart, productive people to have children...we don't need anymore trash...
That's just another version of socialism. Where does the money come from?
How about we just make taxes to be 8% of Gross Income? No other deductions period.