Except that it has not been disproved. Except that the doctors who treat many autistic children using a detox protocol, and work on the digestive system have a very good success rate at partially or completely reversing autism.
See Hannah Poling case for additional info. IIRC, Poling’s Mom is a nurse and an attorney. Dad is an MD. Poling’s Mom communicated to me that the judgment in their favor for treatment and care will total in the *millions*.
I’m sure you’ll google the name and regurgitate some claptrap. Just like you did with Franklin case. Why you feel motivated to be a gatekeeper on these issues, some of would love to know.
See #16
Also, one cannot disprove anything.
For example, can you disprove that all the socks that go missing in dryers are really stolen by the KGB to be linked together to provide winter coats for Russian soldiers hiding in northern Alaska ready to swoop south and attack Bakersfield, California!