Seniors who have homes paid off, living off retirement/SS or other things have a home that probably isn't covered by flood insurance, very expensive as I have had it in the past, gone; Clothes, gone; Car/s, gone; No drug stores to fill scripts, gone; no grocery stores, gone; what is left of their lives, can they start over, probably not...
Families, no jobs, gone; savings, probably little if at all, gone; car/s, gone; what are they going to do? Live with out of state parents to get on their feet, if they are lucky...move to another state to seek employment, if they are lucky...
Oil refineries, shale, roads, bridges: have to be repaired, and thanks to our gutless Congress and the biggest fraud of a Muslim that ever walked on American Soil: 20 trillion dollars in debt, you see we had to give Iran and the rest of the world money and not have it for America and her people...
Yeah I would say these people are not really in a good mood right now, so if I were someone looking for trouble, I would stay the heck out of Texas for a while, it's a free carry state, you might get your balls shot off, that is if you have any...
Dear Father God:
Bless the people of Texas, help them keep what little hope they have, send your Angels around them to hear their prayers and help them to over come the mountain they are going to have to climb. Amen.
We stand united for if we’re divided, we shall only fail and fall.
Each is being asked, “In which camp are you?”
Agreed in Jesus’ name. Have mercy, encourage and protect Houstonians in need of Your mighty help.