Smart people will always have jobs. The problem is that robots are taking the jobs stupid people used to be able to do. And that’s the problem. Idle hands are the Devil’s Workshop, and we already see this in the inner cities.
Yes. $15 /hour for a job worth $8/hour buys a LOT of robots.
Working with your hands is for stupid people?
“Smart people will always have jobs.”
Uh ? Seems that has been proven wrong by Mr.Gates and his like ‘importing brains’ from abroad already...No??
My favorite example to my son was telling him bout going to the architects office for a project and seeing ‘back room’ full of youngsters producing reams of paper prints outs etc etc ...TODAY, no such rooms full of employed young ones...
All done by Mr.Puter now, and he demands nuttin much....
I have an idea: let’s take a large portion of society that accounts for 90% of all crime and criminal activity, give them ample amounts of drugs, little or no actual education, make sure that they have completely abandoned western religion and western values, break up the concept of the nuclear family completely, and then - yank the only jobs they qualify for right out from under them.
Most of these steps are already completed.
awesome fun times ahead.