My son is a Marine, thank you, served in Iraqi Freedom. There are also female Marines. So if a female Marine drops an f bomb- would she be repulsive, white trash person?
Unlike most posters I don’t take great offence at cursing. I posted the quote from Eleanor Roosevelt about Marines because for some reason, as people age, they tend to attribute more virtue to their own generation or older generations and tend to have selective memories. The only other explanation is that they have led very sheltered lives.
My father served in World War II and Korea. Cussing was the norm in the military. He never cussed around civilians though because they would nor could they ever understand. The most obscene thing in the world is when diplomacy fails and our leaders need to send our young sons and fathers and now our mothers and daughters off to war. I recognize war as a necessary evil but it truly is humanities greatest obscenity.
When surrounded by absurdity and true obscenity, cussing becomes almost necessary and cathartic when one is surrounded by such obscenity and its’ tragic waste of human potential.
Today, human potential is wasted all around us as a matter of policy by our own personal failures and by our leaders inane policies, many of which will lead to future wars.
The cognitive dissonance between the better angels of our nature as reflected by our ideals as espoused by our founders and by the laws of nature and the realities of our daily existence to me are leading to a similar sense of futility, as in war, in our general society and in our daily lives were what was once obscene is now cathartic and cleansing.
The last eight years of hope and change as far as I’m concerned were obscene and inane almost as if by design. When one is powerless in the short term to control the insanity around them, sometimes the best, actually, the only valid response is a good well delivered torrent of F-bombs.
There truly are much more obscene things than words.
Polished men and women who have the proper decorum in positions of power who outwardly display all the proper norms of society - the suit, power tie, flag pin, ribbon etc - but who fail to perform their sworn duties to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States(...3%) and line there own pockets with the lives and wealth of their own citizens is were true obscenity begins.
Trust me. I worked in DC for years. I know obscenity when I hear/see/smell it.
I see cursing, obscenity, tattoos, body piercings etc of today’s generation, which is so often criticized on Free Republic, not as the failings of individuals but as symptoms of a far greater obscenity - the failure in the most transparent way possible of our leaders to be proper role models and live by their own rules to the point that normal civilities have collapsed. To me, these symptoms are like the election of Donald Trump, one big collective FU to our “progressive” leaders on the hill. If you want progressive, we’ll give you regressive.
The short answer to your question, “So if a female Marine drops an f bomb- would she be repulsive, white trash person?”
No sir! She’d be a Marine! - Lurked_for_a_decade