Let’s compare the amount of time it takes to send some tweets to the time it takes to play a round of golf
Are you series?
Trump is getting set to take America in the right direction for the first time in an entire generation, now less that two weeks from now.
And you’re posting from a blog, with a post about Arnold, who was the biggest conservative washout in recent history?
Come on. You cannot be series.
Arnold supported Hillary? Are you kidding me? Wow, so he really is a leftist putz. Yet another RINO
Beware the outtakes! You are never off mich or camera!
Trump way more efficient than Obama giving one of his lectures to the nation...
TRUMP tweets on his off-time. It’s a creative hobby.
Chill out, Schwarzy - you and your perverted buddies will be treated as Americans. Just they won’t be getting special, cream puff, unconstitutional, undeserved special treatment.
Don’t you have a maid to molest or something Ahhhhnold?
Da Wurst Gubenoua Eba!
It’s going to be an interesting 4 years for sure! Buckle up, and enjoy the ride!
In pro-wrestling, this so-called bad mouthing would be seen as free advertising for The Apprentice and Ahhhnoll.
Had Schwarzenegger not jumped into the race to recall California Governor Gray Davis in 2003, Californians would have elected a real conservative, Tom McClintock, to the State House.
And what’s this ‘ALL THE PEOPLE’ crap? For 8 years, my president was against my values, my race, my beliefs....he was NEVER a president for ALL the people. AHNOLD supported Hillary....not a republican at all.
Ve are not enemies Ve are all Amerikaners und utter stuff like dat.”
Not inexplicable at all when you understand that President-elect Trump has no concern whatsoever about what disreputable reporters like this one might write about his activities.
Trump, with all things considered, will be a better POTUS than Hillary would have been. No doubt about it to anyone who understands the dangers inherent in the Left’s radical agenda.
That being said, as the soon to be President of the country, he needs to stop the juvenile behavior with his tweeting, and focus on the truly important issues of our time.
Inexplicably? It took him 10 seconds. Drama queen.
LOL! Trump manages his time so well he has lots of spare time to handle anything that comes his way, while accomplishing more in a couple months as PEOTUS than Obama was capable of handling in 8 years. Gonna be a thing of beauty as he dismantles what Obama has wrought.
Doer vs Faker
A doer is always engaged, comparing, accessing. You betas are always whining in fear.
Tweet On Master Tweeter, Tweet On.
TreT Americans fairly ? You mean like making them a tax felon for not buying a product ?
Ummm...he MAKES money. What better way to boost the ratings (increase his take) then to distance the show from himself AND give it tons of free publicity? All the Trump haters will watch the show now to check out Arnold just to spite Trump.