55.3 million people die each year 151,600 people die each day
6,316 people die each hour
The only reason we have the impression that more celebrities seem to be dying and frequently is due to the inordinate amount of media coverage their deaths receive.
It is a pet peeve of mine as well. The establishment media uses this as a form of propaganda. To them, a successful actor is very, very important.
A successful military hero is non-existent.
This signals to those listening and reading what is really valued and what is not.
It frosted me no end when a good friend, who was reportedly the second most decorated U.S. soldier in WWII, who had a long and distinguished career, died. He never got a peep on national media.
It is up to us to publish the obituaries of those who have made our society great, to offset this studied indifference by the establishment media.
Very true.