King of the English (surnamed The Unready, i.e. without rede or counsel), son of King Edgar by his second wife Aefthryth, was born in 968 or 969 and succeeded to the throne on the murder of his step-brother Edward (the Martyr) in 979. His reign was disastrous from the beginning.
He might also be called the original English appeaser a precursor to Neville Chamberlain and a monarch who would make even the Brack Obama blush by his perennial payment of Danegeld to those very same Vikings.
When one chooses personality over principle one ought at least to choose his historic analogies with care but even the most devoted slave to the man on horseback will sooner or later pay the forfeit for misunderstanding the whole conception of America.
Instead of comforting yourself with irrelevant minutiae, get engaged. Instead of pompous theatrics, get involved. Your only value - and mine, and everyone else's - is determined by what you do to advance our common cause. Get moving: