After tonight’s debate, I’m done talking about Hillary’s health. Better to focus on the lies she has spoken and the terrible positions she has on numerous topics. Trump needs a better and quicker response regarding the race question. Do that, and Hillary will be greatly defused.
The last 20 minutes of the debate she really started drooping and her eyes were not tracking correctly. She was taking a few forced quick breaths and trying to look wide awake and perky, but it wasn’t working. There was definitely some medication wearing off at that moment. We need to post pictures of her goofy eye during tonight’s debate and keep hammering on her health issues.
When she first came out that was what I immediately thought. Blinking like crazy and dilated pupils. Levo Dopa and codeine. But I still say trying to tweak those meds and expect someone to stand there for 90 minutes is playing a dangerous game. Once again, remember, this is the Clintons. They are trying to play us. Who knows, maybe they played Trump, too. Maybe he thought she couldn’t do 90 minutes. Maybe that was why he laid back. He figured all he had to do was let her crash.
Simpler explanation: She’s is f’n blind as a bat so she wears contacts that are miniature coke bottles.
They irritate her eyes.
Her blink rate was very high. Perhaps every 1-2 seconds.
High stress will cause frequent blinking too.