Ahhhh...misguided YUTE! Actually, for that part of town he was a lightweight. You have to understand that- much like the thinking of those in the Mafia-he was ‘just doin business’ back then. AT THE MOMENT he wasn’t jacking anyone up or breaking in some place, he was selling ‘music’. Ok- he was a felon carrying a gun, but that is NORMAL in thug society. It’s a whole different definition-taught from birth and reinforced on the streets. That’s why the mamas and babymommas can cry he was a ‘good family man’ hustling to ‘provide’ for his children. Nevermind that the government is their real daddy, he was a ‘businessman’ doing business and his own kind see nothing wrong with any of it.
Inability to assimilate into this society by following simple directions most certainly can be hazardous to your health.