Wayne: let me help you understand why people just can’t cooperate with the police. ATTITUDE. Criminal,thug,37 year old with kids all over the landscape selling thug CD’s in front of a convenience store in crime central, carrying a gun, hate-the-cops, I’m big, black and bad ATTITUDE! Now, factor in the general tone of building criminal anarchy and the recent murder of Detective Michel in New Orleans by a daring POS thug and there’s your answer. Criminal record ‘family man’ had a gun on him. He was gonna go back to jail. He didn’t wanna. Now he’s not. Add him to the multiple OTHER black men killed by BLACK MEN on the streets every day and you have the big picture. ATTITUDE. Some times the cops end up killing them, most times they kill each other. NO great loss either way, IMO.
Your analysis is harsh but lucid.
Your analysis is harsh but lucid.