But they are aided and abetted by Useful Idiots who don't understand what will happen to those women in combat, and who also view the military as a jobs program as social experimentation lab.
These same people believe that the fantasy and entertainment they see coming out of Hollywood is reality. They believe that females are fully as capable as men in every facet, and that the reason they have never been able to compete is SOLELY because they have been discouraged from doing so at every turn, and have not been given fair opportunities to compete.
They really, honestly believe that if women are trained up at the same level as men, they believe that they will, at an average level, achieve the same level of physical prowess that men enjoy. That a woman will be able to engage in physical combat at the same level, carry the same loads, and endure the same physical privations that men will have to endure in combat.
It is insane. They really do believe it. They don't step back and look at something like a marathon, where the women, first class female athletes who have trained their entire lives at the highest levels, still finish a minimum of 15 minutes behind the first man who finishes. The average female finishes a full 30 minutes behind the average male.
It isn't because women have been deprived of opportunity, or because of inherent sexism. It is because of the irrefutable, well documented, and medically accepted FACTS contained this graph below:
That, and the fact that men have the unfair advantage of natural steroids that exist in the bodies of men the women do not have.
When little girls start engaging in vicious fistfights that boys get into then I’ll start paying attention. I’ve never seen women or girls exhibit the rage that comes naturally to angry males. I’ve seen brave women but that’s not the same thing.