1 posted on
05/11/2016 8:17:31 AM PDT by
To: NOBO2012
...and the response (for the entire two terms) has to be...”What jobs?”
2 posted on
05/11/2016 8:22:43 AM PDT by
Jeff Head
(Semper Fidelis - Molon Labe - Sic Semper Tyrannis)
To: NOBO2012
Poor Joe , Obama has dumped a million jobs on him
To: NOBO2012
If the Democrat Party thinks that Joe Biden is going to save them, they are delusional.
4 posted on
05/11/2016 8:28:21 AM PDT by
(Trump 2016)
To: NOBO2012
5 posted on
05/11/2016 10:22:00 AM PDT by
(CDC site, "We still do not know exactly how people are infected with Ebola")
To: NOBO2012
Shadow statistics gives a good explanation on their site how the job numbers work. Over the decades they have been more and more managed on a political level. I think in Clintons time is where it all began. The funny way it is manipulated is that when the real jobless numbers increase the gap between the true numbers and fake numbers get even wider. You can see it when you look at the charts. Clintons changes also benefited Bush by a few percent, but benefit Obama by upwards of 8%.
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