My ‘86 Nissan PU is just about ready for its first replacement clutch — 102,000 mostly city miles. I’m still driving it but if you put it in a high gear on a hill and give it a big hit of throttle you can see 200 or so RPM of slippage. Some clutches go higher mileage but they’re usually doing it on a lot of highway miles.
That’s great mileage for a clutch in the city. You’re a good driver for vehicle endurance. I drive a vehicle with nearly 300,000 miles on it and am about to rebuild everything.
...been looking at some info on engine rebuilding to see if there are any useful, new methods. Nothing’s changed on fault-testing, reaming, honing, lapping and replacing internals as far as I can tell. Some of the newer engines’ heads don’t appear to benefit much from porting and polishing, though. That much has changed. Looks like they’re already nearly optimal, like motorcycles.