To: napscoordinator
Cruz has to win 34 or more delegates in NY or be mathematically eliminated from getting to 1,237 delegates going into the convention. His number was 46 at the beginning of the day. I doubt Cruz even gets a single delegate out of NY.
To: Red Steel
I doubt Cruz even gets a single delegate out of NY.
You had better take a quick refresher course on how New York chooses delegates. The NY system basically guarantees some delegates for Cruz and the number could be large. They have a District by District allocation of delegates. NY is not a true Winner Take All State.
Also - Stay out bars on Election Day and avoid making any foolish bets between now and then.
To: Red Steel
Cruz has to win 34 or more delegates in NY or be mathematically eliminated from getting to 1,237 delegates going into the convention. Well, Cruz should pick up another 15-20 delegates from Wyoming, and another 10-15 from North Dakota, so that should pretty much take care of that 34 needed from NY...
122 posted on
04/08/2016 9:48:36 PM PDT by
CA Conservative
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