The voters start the process in 2995 statewide neighborhood caucuses where they vote for local delegates. These 2995 local delegates then elect county and statewide delegates who then vote for the candidates.
Sounds like a democratic republican process to me but not to somebody like you, a low info DU nitwit.
It doesnt favor the voters, Tool Fool(Cruz Voter)
The voters start the process in 2995 statewide neighborhood caucuses where they vote for local delegates. These 2995 local delegates then elect county and statewide delegates who then vote for the candidates.
Sounds like a democratic republican process to me but not to somebody like you, a low info DU nitwit.
Tool Fool, I’ll lay down millions of voters (who are choosing the candidate they want) in a party that doesn’t viably exist without them, against your measly 2995.
Yes, many may buy into this (voters just vote, delegates choose), but this year millions will disagree and act accordingly.
A Party, it’s end may be nigh.