Voters? They don’t need no steenkin’ voters
Congratulations Ted Cruz. Tomorrow I will be part of the Iowa team that will try to get you 12 more delegates.
Yet another example of Cruz winning a party event, while Trump continues to win POLLS.
People want Trump.
Political insiders, want Cruz.
How democracy is supposed to work. /s
But he can’t be nominated at the convention. ( he only has 2 state majorities!!) Right? And a delegate can’t repeat can’t vote for him if he lacks nomination. This stealing delegates is futile if a delegates are prohibited from voting for him because he doesn’t have 8 state majorities!! This is getting funny. Trump wins!! EASY!! Nobody can run against him at the convention because they don’t have eight states and he can’t run because he is foreign born anyway!!
I think it was Ann Coulter who said, “Trump wins primaries, where the people vote. Cruz wins caucuses, where the party selects.”
My congratulation to Cruz.
Hate the game, not the player.. The winner is who gets the most delegates. How can FReepers be upset with a constitutional conservative that is doing his utmost to become President and restore the Constitution?
You do realize that republicans have about zero chance of winning calirado in the november election. The entire state has been overrun by flaming liberals out of california.
Ted Cruz does great in elections where the people are not allowed to vote
Not sure that is the message Ted wants to send
That is not fair. Trump does not understand the rules. He should get a head start.
The Jones were not churchgoers, so they were being courted by local civic leaders.
Their daughter walked to where her father was mending fence to let her Dad know that Father Murphy was waiting in the parlor.
He said, “Sally. Go back to the house right now and stand in front of the liquor cabinet.”
The next day, she ran to the barn to let him know that a preacher was waiting in the kitchen to talk with him.
“Girl, go count your Mother’s good silver spoons, and wait there for me. Right now.”
On Friday he was under the truck working on the suspension, so she got on her knees and said, “Daddy, a man is at the door and says his name is ‘Ted Cruz’ and wants to talk.”
“Girl, you run as fast as you can, find your Mother and sit in her lap until I get there.”
colorado. land of potheads and mass murderers.
Going to be hilarious when all Cruz’s backroom dealings to win places like CO and ND are completely wiped out on April 19. Easy come, easy go.
The steal is on by the GOPe and Cruz, plus much more interesting information:
Trump Has The Power To Expose The Largest Money Laundering Scheme In History
The “gotcha” lawyerish safety patrol student council wimpy type rule book thumpers rubbing their sneaky slimy little hands together as they pull the rug out from primary voters need to stop gleefully slapping each other on the back, and thoughtfully ponder the most important rule:
Rule 308. That’s the “Tree of Liberty” rule, and lots of us are biding our time, waiting the results of the convention, to see if it needs watering again.
I find it entertaining that the safety patrol rulebook thumpers are outing themselves so nicely. So easy making accurate lists. Do they think we’ll just say,”Oh gosh, you got us good. See you in four years!”?
Crybabies don't know the intricate nature of the different County and State GOP rules and so they are left out, with wailing and gnashing of teeth. Even Manafort joining the time, while a smart move, is rather late. There is no cheating here. Just TED CRUZ outsmarting Donald Trump and has SOLID GROUND GAME besting Trump who thinks tossing red meat to stadiums of 20,000 and getting them excited enough to throw punches and shout his name in Nazi unison, and free TV reporting wall to wall for six months, is enough to win the intricate delegate game.
Hey welcome to the world of politics. If they can't stand the heat........ just sayin'
The Establishment supports Cruz for sure but Cruz also has contrasted himself from Trump on “Western Lands” with Ted calling for state control of federal lands while Trump opposed it saying the states couldn’t handle the lands properly.
Trump is losing Colorado and Wyoming in part because he’s on the wrong side of federal land control in the West.
Trump will also lose Montana in part because of this on June 7th.