Do you believe that a charge of voter fraud should be backed up with some kind of evidence that votes were indeed stolen?
Ask Ben Carson.
My contacts on the ground in Iowa confirm that Cruz operatives were actively and aggressively steering voters to the Cruz caucus and were claiming all types of things to confuse people. These conversations I have had on the phone are backed by a group of others. Press reports also confirm that Cruz operatives were meddlesome. All this is circumstantial but the people talking to me are not anti-Cruz. They are anti-Rubio.
I said it is becoming clear as to the nature of the character of the people around Cruz. It is becoming clear to me now. It will become clear to others later as the tactics are viewed repeatedly. I am sharing this information now so that as more and more people see it unfold, they will remember that others said the same thing previously and will think it is a pattern.