The Modern Conservative Movement most definitely is all of the above. Along with international interventions it's embodied in the Republican Party.
And has been for at least 40 years. And that includes Ronald Reagan, though he wasn't a true open borders advocate, bill signing notwithstanding.
The real question on the table is: What is Conservatism?
I suggest Nationalism is missing and that many of the issues above are not America First.
And, it's time to redefine Conservatism as it's currently intellectualized, debated and practiced.
That can only be done by winning a series of elections with America First as the principal underpinning, thereby reforming all the institutions surrounding the body politic.
Could that be the rebirth of the Paleo Conservative?
The Modern Conservative Movement most definitely is all of the above. Along with international interventions it's embodied in the Republican Party.
Totally agree. The correct answer that many who consider themselves to be conservatives just can't bring themselves to provide.
And any rational definition of free markets on an global scale must include the free movement of labor. Some free traders believe that, but only a few will admit it. Many other 'free traders' conveniently want to say free trade does not include the free movement of labor, but the true definition definitely does.
We do need to make nationalism part of our international trade policies again. I actually believe in 'mostly' free trade with nations of comparable living standards, and tariffed trade with all these cheap labor nations.
As Trump says, we should negotiate agreements with individual nations, or small blocks of similar nations. None of the NAFTA and TPP type nonsense.
Paleo Conservative might be the most accurate description. We definitely need to start putting the interests of the US and her citizens first, and that means an economy that provides opportunity for citizens and legal residents at all skill levels.
And we need to decrease the annual trillion dollars of means tested poverty program payouts by creating jobs that the recipients can fill at all skill levels. That'd do more to reduce the budget deficit than anything. Trump has talked about that, but it's been a while since I've heard him mention it. That's also one of his great issues if he'd start tying it in with immigration/trade/the economy, etc.