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To: scooby321

The writer of this article is absolutely wrong about Cruz. Cruz does not support TPP. The reason that he initially supported TPA was that it would secure fast track for the next President who would hopefully be a Republican.

Cruz supports Free Trade in principle, and was representing the over 5 million jobs in Texas that rely on exports. Cruz does not trust Obama. When Rand Paul and another Senator blocked the Immigration language that Cruz and Sessions wanted in the TPA bill, Cruz withdrew his support and voted “No”. That language would have prevented many of the sovereignty issues currently in the TPP bill.

Cruz has already said he doesn’t support the TPP bill that is 5500 pages of treachery.

4 posted on 11/11/2015 2:15:21 PM PST by conservativejoy (Pray Hard, Work Hard, Trust God,,,, We can elect Ted Cruz!)
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To: conservativejoy

Cruz helped make it possible for Obama (not the next president) to pass this with 50 senate votes instead of 60. If it passes with less than 60 votes whether he opposes it now will be irrelevant. No spin on your part can change that.

6 posted on 11/11/2015 2:37:01 PM PST by Hugin ("First thing--get yourself a firearm!" Sheriff Ed Galt, Last Man Standing.)
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To: conservativejoy



HR2146 (TPA “Trade Promotion Authority” or “Fast Track”): This House Bill #2146 originating April 30th ’15, became the vehicle for passage of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal.

HR2146 was originally introduced in the House of Representatives as a bill to address issues with retirement funds of federal law enforcement officers and firefighters.

In April of 2015 Senator Ted Cruz and House Ways and Means Chairman, Representative Paul Ryan, supported TPA being added to HR2146. Their support was most notable when they posted the following Op-Ed which appeared in the Wall Street Journal on April 22nd:

On May 12th HR2146 passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended. Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 407 – 5 (Roll no. 220). (text: CR H2848) The bill passed the house 407-5 because it was not controversial.

As planned, on June 4th 2015 The senate passed the house bill “with changes” notably an amendment “adding TPA” (thanks to Ted Cruz) and TAA (needed for Elizabeth Warren coalition) By unanimous consent thereby avoiding a roll vote on record.

On June 18, 2015 the House accepted the TPA change (Paul Ryan spearhead) and removed TAA (the financial assistance package for training of union workers – this angered the Pelosi Dems). Nancy Pelosi had to be arm twisted by the White House to go along with HR2146 with TAA spending removed – she acquiesced.

Without TAA HR2146 passed again in the House, only this time with a much closer vote of 218-208, and went back to the Senate to resolve differences. (The difference was the removal of TAA)

On June 24th HR2146 (TPA without TAA) Then passed the Senate (Ted Cruz did not attempt to block or filibuster because this was the original plan all along). The bill passed in the Senate 60-38 (3/5ths passage rule).

On June 29th Obama signed it and HR2146 became law.

Senator Ted Cruz voted for Cloture on TPA Fast track trade authority removing the hurdle and concern of further amendments and clearing the way for passage. Again, like “unanimous consent” cloture votes are not recorded roll call votes. Thereby Ted Cruz could obfuscate his support. He figured to hide, see how that works?

However, Cruz advocacy could not be hidden entirely. On another bill HR 1314 Cruz voted against an amendment to the Trade Deal that would require congress to be consulted if China (or other nations) were to join after the fact:

Senate Amendment 1251 “To require the approval of Congress before additional countries may join the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement”…

Cruz voted NAY. Directly saying he did not want congress to be consulted before other countries, namely CHINA, could join TPP.

NOTICE: during last nights debate who was saying China is not part of TPP, contrast against who was honestly saying TPP carries a backdoor for China (and Russia) to join.

NOVEMBER 4th – In an interview with Russian interstate channel Mir TV, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry invited China and Russia to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

“We invite people to come join other initiatives, like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the TPP. We welcome China, we welcome Russia, we welcome other countries who would like to join, as long as they want to raise the standards and live up to the highest standards of protecting people and doing business openly and transparently and accountably,” said Secretary Kerry.

Donald Trump was entirely correct. Senator Rand Paul was factually incorrect.

BOTTOM LINE – Look, it might hurt Cruz supporters to admit what took place, and the transparency of motive behind what drove his decision making; but it makes no sense at all to ignore the truth of what took place.

Unfortunately, Ted Cruz is part of the Wall Street purchased construct that is currently infecting our entire body politic. The connections to the U.S. CoC legislative agenda, and Goldman Sachs are evident within action not words, along with KtP and obviously his wife Heidi Cruz.

Ted Cruz Explains why he supports (TPA) Trade Promotion Authority:

May 30, 2015: WRKO Boston’s Talk Stateion


I strongly suggest you look at what they do, rather than listen to their denials.

7 posted on 11/11/2015 2:47:18 PM PST by SatinDoll (A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN IS BORN IN THE USA OF TWO USA CITIZENS)
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