I just did a little analysis of the Heritage Rankings of the Republican Congress. Here is what I found:
100% is perfect
Ken Buck CO-4 is the only Congressman to get that score
The average for the GOP is 68%
The median for the GOP is 72%
Jason Chaffetz is 81%
Daniel Webster is 77%
Kevin McCarthy is 61%
Paul Ryan is 57%
Does Paul Ryan or, looking back, Kevin McCarthy MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL???
Given the current political environment and the obvious mood of electorate we would expect a Speaker to be ranked well above both the Median (the one in the middle) and the Average for GOP Congress Critters. Webster and Chaffetz meet that criteria. Paul Ryan is not even close. A terrible choice. This idea must be crushed like a bug.
Paul Ryan: Boehner without as much backbone.
Paul Ryan is just a Kevin McCarthy who won’t say stupid s***. Aside from the shooting off his mouth thing, they are the same.