You are correct that Trump is leading in every poll, with the exception of the IBD poll. But you are delusional if you can’t admit that since the CNN debate he has lost about 25% of his support. In the Real Clear Politics average of polls Trump has gone from over 30% to just over 23%. Even using the Trump favorite on-line poll he has gone from close tp 40% to just over 32%. By all measures he has dropped by about 25% since Fiorina emasculated him in the CNN poll. That never would have happened if he would have heeded Kelly’s question and watched the way referred to both Kelly and Fiorina in his comments.
Try to keep up. The two new moving averages polls out today have Trump at 34% and 35% respectively. Carson trailing at 17% and Fiorina well below that.
Those weren’t questions from Kelly - they were accusations.
And, the thing with Rosie was old. I’m not sure when the comment was made about Fiorina - do you know? Was it after he didn’t take your recommended instruction from Megyn Kelly on how to run for POTUS?
She was there to take him out - plain and simple and sort of said so - i.e. when she said that “tonight could change the course of history and one of these guys could be out after tonight”.
Delusional and comical. Trump’s numbers and crowds continue to grow.
FioRINO has all but disappeared after her FAIL performance.
She somehow got my email addy, and was sending a barrage of emails, for the week after that “gee, I manage to have lengthy, well prepared answers for EVERY question I was asked” performance. Now? Nada, nothing. It’s like she’s fallen off the face of the Earth.
The only person Snarly emasculated was herself.