The scumbags hit our area in the 90s.
Due to doing Dobe rescue, I was tight with the local shelter and the manager told me what was going on and I had to stop toting my beloved Minny the Ibizan with me everywhere I went.
She was broken hearted when I’d leave and not take her but the thought of her sweet, gentle self being torn apart by fighting dogs was an unforgivable thing.
So, I left her home.
Eventually, I started staying home more too because I couldn’t bear to see her sad face.
All these years later, I *still* don’t leave my dogs in the car, alone.
Either I go in and get what I need while hubby watches them or vice versa.
Yes, even the Dobes, who would cheerfully rip off any arms that came through the car windows.
I will not take *any* chances with my dogs.
When I’ve had dogs who needed surgery, no matter how long I had to wait, I stayed near the vet hospital until they were able to come out and go home.
Things can happen, even in the best of controlled situations.
But no matter what might happen, they’ll have to kill me to get to my dogs.
Having ranted all that, this is the time of year that black dogs, particularly those of German heritage, black cats and other pets ‘go missing’.
They are taken for pagan/satanic sacrifices.
One of the ladies at the shelter had to go to a certain place after Halloween [and other heathen ‘holy days’] to collect the bodies.
PLEASE do not let your pets unattended in your yards or cars.
What happens to them, if taken, is agonizingly horrible.
Egad! After reading your post, I am thinking that I better not bring beloved Isis with me to Winn Dixie anymore.
That is the one place that I bring her where I leave her in the car for 10-15 minutes while I go inside, only if it’s cool enough outside where she is not at risk of overheating in the car.
If I came out and she was gone, I would not be able to live with myself, Good God, what a terrifying thought that is.
You are damn right.
Sounds like a personal problem.
My Mother was involved in a small dog rescue group. This is how I came to be aware of this. She also told about how the Amish were some of the worst when it came to puppy mills. Her group got quite a few dogs that the Amish would have discarded like trash for simple things, a limp, a lazy eye, etc. My Mother even went to Indianapolis to protest the puppy mills.
BTW, my Mother has been warning me to keep my cats indoors during Halloween for years. People are crazy out there.