And heaven knows, there's nothing conservative about the Republican Party anymore. If the party were conservative, surely it would not be giving the back of its hand to its conservative base.
I have no faith in most of them. Politicians as a group tend to be parasites.
.....”there’s nothing conservative about the Republican Party anymore”.....
That is true so then ‘who’ couped ‘OUR’ Party?......and what part of the Republican Party did we actually have sway with if any? ...............The test of time has shown very little..... Or is it just the power ‘stronghold’ in Washington is so evil and full of corruption it swallows up those we send there because they either play their game or they’re out to of the loop?
I have many unanswered questions for the who and reasons are as varied as the sand in the sea anymore. There’s so much dirt in Washington and Corporate America anymore that to be honest has become evil when entering their doors.
As I see it what we have in Cruz, Trump,Carson,Jindal and precious others standing by in Washington is a potential taking over completely the Governing powers that have crippled our Governance, Industry and overall Nations Security.
And so...if this election doesn’t move that mountain in Washington....THEN WHAT??????