Looks to me the gentleman was misinformed about animal therapy, and bought the dogs believing he could roll the purchase over quickly into a profit. Unfortunately things did not happen as he planned, and he became stuck with the dogs, and all of their medical problems besides their normal maintenance.
God Bless him for NOT just dumping the animals as he legally could have. I’m impressed with his sense of responsibility to the animals. Good man.
I know we would love to have some of the dogs, but we are way too old to be taking on more animals at this time in our lives. We’ve already cared for over forty dogs since we have been married. Currently we have just one four year old dog, Ten cats, and two horses remaining of what was once a real zoo.
“Looks to me the gentleman was misinformed about animal therapy, and bought the dogs believing he could roll the purchase over quickly into a profit. Unfortunately things did not happen as he planned, and he became stuck with the dogs, and all of their medical problems besides their normal maintenance.”
The gentleman did not buy the dogs.
The article states a contract company bought the dogs from the Defense Department and left them at the kennel. The gentleman took care for the dogs at his expense when he could have easily turned them over to local animal control at taxpayers’ expense. But he elected not to do so.