Swordmaker, may I offer a prayer?
Dear Heavenly Father, we ask You today to look over our friend, Swordmaker. Give skill to his surgeon and nurses. Please heal his eyes. In This I pray. Amen.
**FWIW.. I’ve known several relatives who got the surgery. One was more nervous than a dog pooping peach pitts (he only had one eye so he was afraid an oops would make him fully blind). ALL said it was easier than expected. ALL said if they had it to do over, they would have done it a long time ago instead of waiting. ALL said the recovery was easy. My thoughts and prayers are with you.. you will do fine. Hugs, Mom
Dang.. the “one eye” probably didn’t ease any anxiety without explanation. He had one eye (a working one, the other was glass) because of a childhood accident. NOT from a surgery. I just wanted to clarify, hon.