hell, I’ve never been that good of a shot to begin with. when I was younger, dad used to have matches in the back 40 and all his derelict bench shooting buddies would be there all weekend driving my mom crazy. the best I ever did was a 6” gong at 1000 yards... and it took me 9 shots to hit it if I remember correctly. Remington 700v in 25-06, 180gr. Still have the rifle, wouldn’t give it up for anything. Those were the good ol days for me.
I was at an IDPA range once with a .38. One of the targets was a 6” steel plate at about 50 ft. I fired and fired and kept missing. 17 shots downrange. Finally the rangemaster asked if I noticed the steel plate was shaking? I said Yes. He told me I was hitting the 1 1/2” wide post the plate was sitting on. Shot after shot. Raised barrel, dropped plate on shot 18.
Completed course red faced (and broke)