It’s well past time for mid-level military officers, county sheriffs and Constitutional militias to make clear they are willing to enforce the Constitution.
HA! And risk their jobs, mortgages, cars, toys, big screen TV's, baseball games and beer while watching said games?!?!?! Are you nuts? No WAY anyone is gonna risk that. Haven't you heard, we're more special than the Founders were. They were dumb enough to sacrifice everything. No way we will.
There are millions in America - soldiers, retired military, LEO, active & retired, that ALL took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. Well, there has been a domestic terrorist in the White House for a full 6 years now, and not a one has done a thing about it. Why, all of a sudden, would they suddenly snap to and start living up to their oaths? They've not done so thus far.