(Just get rid of the toilets and hand out diapers. They would be free at first then eventually the airlines will have a $50.00 diaper fee for each diaper. They will of course work with the TSA to ban you from bringing your own diaper because it might be a WMD.)
That’s good “out of the toilet-box” thinking! You have good potential for a Boeing executive! LOL!
I just feel soooooo sorry for the airlines. More fees is clearly what thy are needing!
Wait a minute,wait a minute!If Boeing is going to design the diapers than the fee will have to be at least double or triple say more in the $100.00 to $150.00 dollar range. There will bound to be ‘accidents’ in early models caused by design and material flaws, so I say it will take them at least three years to come up with a usable model. Then there will be the inevitable design up grades which will lead to cost increases.
Of I almost forgot if you should have to us the diaper there will be Toxic disposal fee and Carbon offsets imposed by the EPA.