I was hooked on the first Nintendo Mario game. Then Tetris was a real obsession for me until I got to the end where the roof turned into a rocket. After that it starts over. Then Yoshi’s Cookie was fun except for the weird flashing light.
I got over it. But I do play with a gameboy once in awhile. I think the game I play is called Snood.
The roof turned into a rocket!?! I never got that far!
Then Tetris was a real obsession for me...”
I LOVE Tetris. Have tried to get my oldest grandson interested in playing with me with zero success, even though his father and I played when his father was a teenager. Grandson is just totally into future plans for designing race cars in Europe after he finishes school and just refuses to play anything other than a game which includes “speed” and “race” - and we have all of them ever made.
We also have the original Nintendo Mario which the little boys in the neighborhood love to come over and play.