That's $433,225 for a classroom of 25 students. Let's say the teacher makes $100k gross including medical+SS+retirement. Mark that up 25% to allow teachers to have work periods and for substitutes. So we're at $125k.
Add on a classroom at about 600 square feet. Now double that to handle common areas. Around here office space is about $12/sq. ft./year, so that's $14,400 for the space. So the total is $139,400.
Textbooks last a few years so I'll add on two new textbooks per student at $100 each. $144,400 total.
Let's say each kid gets a ream of paper copied per year. At $0.10 per page (probably overstated) that's $1250 more. $145,650.
Where does the rest of the money go to jump from $145,650 to $433,225? Transportation will cost some. Administrators will cost some, but even if you figure one administrator for every two teachers that is still under $200k. Is it spent on repairs to the school because the kids break everything? Special education? Did I greatly underestimate some price?
Your math works perfectly to illuminate the problem. Don’t worry Common Core will fix that. In the new math the problem is, not enough money.
Obviously the difference between “$145,650 to $433,225” goes to providing Michelle approved free breakfast and lunches to all the students.
I’ve done that math before too - the money is clearly being STOLEN. It’s a shame that ‘civil rights’ protocols prevent anyone from being held accountable.