Black Mayor, black Chief of Police, 63% of city is black, majority of police officers are black - this is a race riot?!?!
Even when the old, angry white man is NOT involved, it is still his fault! I’m PRETTY sure that this is at least partly, Bushes Fault, but I am waiting for a little more details.
These people aren’t ignorant. They are willfully STUPID!
Dating back as far as the Haymarket Riots in Chicago over 100 years ago the anarchists(Marxists) have been breeding riotous confrontations with the purpose of destroying the freedoms we enjoy. It is nothing new. This is just the latest iteration. There will be more.
Why should it be different than it's always been? It's been that way since I first started reading about and seeing things on tv about race relations half a century ago. As the (even then) very lib media members told us EVIL WHITEY!!! was always responsible for black problems. Every black problem...big and small. Nothing has changed in fifty years.
And nothing will be different fifty years from now if circumstances are not radically altered. If not, then Evil Whitey will still be blamed for all black problems.