fix the product first, McD, if your company is to survive.
fix the product.
you now have several competitors selling visibly MUCH MUCH higher quality burgers
and your prices for your much less appealing chow ...are creeping up close to theirs, too.. close enough that most consumers just won’t put up anymore with what seems to be greatly inferior grub. (Start with reducing the apparently chemical overload....then get some meat that is recognizably beef....then put more of it in the sandwiches, then improve the quality of the buns....then put a real slice of cheese in your sure to remove any extra chemicals from everything.....) etc. etc.
we used to enjoy McD’s. we are now eating across the street at the new, much much better burger joint.
At least at Chick-fil-A you feel like a valued customer with some fairly decent food. The Big Mac is the absolute worst ‘specialty burger’ among the fast food giants. I mean it is puke bad and high priced. No more dineros from this former sucka customer.