Tell me about them at the Bundy ranch. I missed out.
The whole thing started from the moment they got on the ground - Stewie showed up with his posse of followers, not prepared for a confrontation with weapons or equipment, but with trunks of T-shirts, ball caps and membership forms.
After the confrontation calmed down, Stewie realized there was no more revenue, member signups or free publicity for him to strut for.
So he concocted a lie about an impending drone strike at the militia compound, and told his guys to bug out - forty men fled the site, and holed up in an air-conditioned hotel room, to wait until the next location for the road show to arrive.
This was reported over the web and patriot social media by eyewitnesses for weeks. Half of Texas’s Oathkeeper members quit when they heard the tale, and the TX oathkeeper staff had utterly no excuse to offer.