We have been here before, many times. Purim is a tale told every year because we quickly forget who we are and why we are here.
There could not be a more fateful time for Netanyahu to speak to us than at Purim. He reminded us that we are not the perfection of mankind and our age is not the end of history. He warns us that we will leave a terrible skid mark on the pages of history if we fail to discern our true enemy and fail our true friends.
We are at a precipice and we may well fall into a terrible pit that bottoms at the end of all we hold dear. We have surrendered power to those who believe they are saviors but are deluded tyrants and fools.
We have been warned.
A most eloquent turn of phrase.
A Blessed Purim to You.
I just explained this whole story to a little student of mine, who was all dressed up like a princess to go to a Politically Correct, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Non offensive, small-carbon-footprint, Socially Justiced, Tikkon Olam kind of Purim Party.
She was STUNNED to hear the true story.
From an Irish-Indian, Bible-Thumping, Bass-Playing, Harley-Riding, Christian.
She then understood the Netanyahu Connection as well.
I will probably get fired for this. Oh Well.