All this information is out before she is even a declared candidate. Does anyone think that’s not deliberate?
The media has two years to sweep this under the rug and paint the picture of Hillary, Gramma to the Nation.
I would be surprised if the Hillary camp is leaking this. On one hand it’s good to get this information out early, then it’s old news by the time voting begins. On the other hand, this is pretty significant stuff that may very well be criminal. Right now Hillary is lining up big donations for her campaign, this is the sort of leak that scares off big donors. That’s why I think it’s coming from the Obama camp, which has been very quick to throw Hillary under the bus. My suspicion is that the Obama team is going to support Warren or Biden in a big way and they’re setting Hillary up for a downfall.
A bump in the road & nothing more.
The Flying Buttress continues to cankle her way toward the WH, her butt approaching an unstoppable velocity of 0.5 Worp.
That’s a Clinton principle. If there is negative info on the hard drives or in the closet, get it out there early so that it is “old news” by the time it would be an unwanted influence.
Exactly, “dude that was two years ago”, will be the campaign motto. Unless you are a Christian, then you must be reminded and condemned for all the atrocities Christians committed, a millennia ago!
I always felt Obama’s promises to Hillary were a means to control her and keep her down.