During the Protestant Renewal the Bible was viewed very literally.
Adam was thought to have possessed a perfect knowledge of all sciences, a knowledge lost to posterity when he fell from grace and was expelled from the Garden of Eden. The goal of 17th century scientists such as Francis Bacon and his successors in the Royal Society of London was to regain the scientific knowledge of the first man. Indeed, for these individuals, the whole scientific enterprise was an integral part of a redemptive enterprise that, along with the Christian religion, was to help restore the original race to its original perfection. The biblical account of the creation thus provided these scientists with an important source of motivation, and in an age still thoroughly committed to traditional Christianity, the new science was to gain social legitimacy on account of these religious associations.
It was this pursuit of truth that resulted in development of the scientific method, which stood the old philosophy on consensus on its head. The scientific method often starts with a single often contrary position. This new view is presented as a hypothesis supported by experimental data. This new position is gradually accepted by the larger community as the experiments are duplicated by others. Truths are constantly tested by alternate hypothesis.
So dont be afraid of scientist or their pursuit of truth. They owe their very existence to the religious pursuit of truth.
Through Him all things were made!
That preaches. :)