I never understood the purpose of an embargo. The more people get exposed to core, conservative American values, the more they want to be like us.
Just don't give them any money or aid. It will end up in the pockets of the oppressors.
“”The more people get exposed to core, conservative American values, the more they want to be like us.””
That’s pretty naïve. obozo said it’s “for the people”.....Is he serious? Nothing will change for the Cuban people in spite of the feel good talk. The U. S. may be paying a huge price for this but what does it matter if obozo leaves office getting credit for “normalizing” relations with a communist country? He can’t really believe it’s going to change anything but he has a huge ego to feed so what’s the harm? Does he care if our country ends up paying the price? NOPE! He’ll be long gone from office when the SHTF!