Interesting and strange on many levels.
Getting absurdly angry over a casual remark is one thing, even if Islam is one of his triggers.
His reaction of leaving, coming back, leaving and coming back again is very curious. Does he always do that?
And then there are his aides and minders that seem oddly cosseting, almost as if they are minding a child.
Not good leadership behavior.
Our Dear Reader's job is just to read TOTUS. He went and got his talking points from his Iranian-born aides, and then came back and voiced them. Alas, he can only do so much without TOTUS, thus after voicing his point, had to go back and get the next one.
Is he about to start hanging Christians? Maybe not himself but I’m willing to bet he will leave to oor open so ISIS can do it...
Face it Barry Ebola is Kim Jung Un American style. Of course being a closet Muzzie and having to pretend to be a Christian gets on his nerves I’m sure.
"...minding a child."
Sure appears like that, especially between B. Hussein O. and Jarrett.