LIBERALS suffer from some sort of mental illness that prevents LOGICAL THOUGHT: crazy PELOSI, nutty DEBBIE, the WACKIE saturday night live roseannaroseannadanna sorority girls who proudly strut their STUPIDITY in public HARFING AND PSAKING reality....there are many others but these are prime examples of the illness. They reflect the same illness that all ivory tower imaginary world unicorn fairy dusters reflect. The world in their minds is not the world we live in. war is peace, tyranny is freedom, the end justifies the means, truth is whatever psycho babel and lies repeated loud enough and often eonough becomes the truth... THESE PEOPLE CATER TO THE UNINFORMED, LAZY, IGONORANT, SOUND BITE, MAINSTREAM MEDIA /PRAVDA INFUSED PARASITE BOBBLEHEADS WHO PUT A TOTAL INCOMPETENT INDIVIDUAL with the agenda to destroy America in office. They try to outdo each other with stupid statements to garner liberal merit badges supporting a FAILED PRESIDENCY, looking for their loyalty reward down the road. they are willing to HUMILIATE THEMSELVES publicly and privately as liberal martyrs... LIBTARD JIHADIS.... aka FOOLS...I would love to see an X-rated video of the private humiliation they must have undergone to buy their jobs... it would be a duzzie...
FR needs an agree/disagree button with stats, because I sure do agree with you.