‘Im so disgusted with the Republicans that Im actually expecting nothing from the coming election.”
Hey, Coach! Take a look at my tag line. This scam between the Pubbies and Dems has been going on for over 100 years. If you want to be disgusted at somebody try yourself first for allowing yourself to be conned by these criminals in the District of Criminals.
It’s time to vote all of these collectivists out and never, ever let them into to the halls of power ever again. Only God-fearing conservatives need apply.
“Its time to vote all of these collectivists out and never, ever let them into to the halls of power ever again. Only God-fearing conservatives need apply.”
And so you are going to make sure another socialist Senate is elected, and in 2016 another socialist Prez, and by the time they get done with our country, we will be next door to being Communist. Thanks a lot. If the Pubs lose, remind me to make sure I blame you for it. Geez.