Obama's sons at it again.
The many Africana “studies” programs at American Marxist universities should have to do a compulsory unit on this enlightening chapter in African cultural history.
.....”Muslims Take Hundreds Of Underage Christian Girls, Film Themselves Brutally Gang Raping Them Over And Over Again, And Then Butcher Them. One Christian Girl Curls Into A Ball And Begs For Mercy”....
What’s new about that? They do likewise with their own women. They’re only doing what is there nature to do. Brut beasts are just that...brutal.
And some fool used to call Islam “the Religion of Peace”.
Reaction from the NOW Gang......*Crickets*
Their police are either Muslim as well, or yellow bellied cowards who don’t know how to organize and execute an attack on their enemy. Not even the “untrainable” Iraqis are this useless.
Not one muslim president condemned this or offered to help destroy BH. The UN has been silent.. No emergency UN meetings to rescue these girls.
Reading this story makes me sick.
Time for a speech, or a tweet?
That’ll make it all better.